Saturday, December 31, 2005


Don’t call me atheist, I do believe in god. But the only difference is that my god is different than your god.

“No!!!!!!!!!!!” some soul urged, “There is only one god, there are many religion, but one god”. I differ from this convention, that’s why my god is different than your god.

So, “What’s the difference?” cried a soul. Read on……
  1. My god does not ask me to pray to him.
  2. My god will not get angry if I do not visit the temple, in his honor, daily.
  3. My god will not complain if I do not remember him in good times.
  4. My god never gives preference to any animal or phenomenon over humans.
  5. My god is there for me always, unconditionally.
  6. My god loves me always, unconditionally.
  7. My god never asks anything in return, no sacrifices.
  8. I can always count on my god.
  9. My god says “Seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given, knock and it shall be opened for you”
  10. My god never wants me to be unhappy, even for good reasons.
  11. My god never asks me to be always rational.
  12. My god did not create this “universe”, he does not take credit for any part of it.
  13. My god is not does not say “Right” or “Wrong”, he says “People” and “Circumstances”.
  14. I owe nothing to my god and he owes nothing in return.
  15. My god changes his opinions, and attitudes, he grows with me.

And these are my beliefs, which can change if I find more empowering ones.

-- Jigar Gosar.

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