Thursday, February 02, 2006

Patterns of XUnit Test Automation

"Automated test are more repeatable than manual tests because they execute exactly the same way every time. They don't forget things after long weekends and vacations. They don't leave to work on other projects. They don't get sick or run over by a bus." excerpt

I always loved the promise made by "tests", will try writing them some day. For now, Patterns of XUnit Test Automation is a good place to read and get excited.

"Why is Test Automation Important?

Automated unit tests (A.K.A. "developer tests") and functional tests (A.K.A. "customer tests") are a cornerstone of many agile development methods (such as eXtreme Programming). The availability of automated, self-checking tests allows developers to be much bolder in how they modify existing software. They allow a more evolutionary form of software development that support incremental delivery of functionality to the customer (motto: Deliver early; deliver often!) that speeds up user feedback and improves the quality (both "fitness for purpose" and "software quality") of the software being built. The techniques are also spreading to less agile development methods via the introduction of "Test Driven Development" as a less extreme process alternative." excerpt

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